Photographing Babies
Not all of us are professional photographers but we all want to catch and preserve the most precious moments that we go through in our life knowing that they will never come back.
Your baby grows up and changes every day.
Take a look at pictures you took only few months ago and you will be amazed by the difference. It is very important to document his growing up process, but in order to do it correctly you have to follow some rules.
The aim of our photography section is to provide you some basic guidelines for correct baby photography and even more important: how to preserve your pictures for decades so that your grandchildren will also be able to enjoy them.
Picture from 1972 (me and my father) vs. me and my son at 2008 |
The parents of today live in the digital era, but not so long ago when many of us were kids there were no digital cameras.
Every frame was precious because there was no preview button to see how the photo would come.
There were 36 frames on a roll and the photographer had to carefully think about each frame.
Nowadays, you just click and decide if you want to keep the shot or not.
Since every memory card can store hundreds of pictures so nobody usually think twice before releasing the shutter.
Looking at my childhood old albums I was amazed to see that they contained less than two hounded photos!.
This is about the amount of photos I shot these days during one kindergarten birthday party.
It is also easy to notice that the quality of the pictures has improved tremendously.
Today every $200 digital camera produces great, high quality photos.
So, are our photos today perfect? Well, unfortunately they are not.
Since taking pictures today comes so easily for us, we tend to ignore or forget few basic things.
You may visit our
photographing babies guide to learn some important things that will help you take and preserve pictures for the next generations.
Just look at the examples above and think of your child when he will get to be your age. You must make sure that you have correctly "caught" and preserved for him those enjoyable, precious moments for many years to come.
Me and my family 1975 and today |
One great definition of the word "camera" I really like is
"A mirror with memory". It is a magic that catches the moment and writes it down forever. Think of each photo you take in that way and you will respect it much more.
Camera Obscura |
A painting from the 15th century of a family spending time trying to catch the view on a paper using a camera obsucra. |
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